Types of counseling I provide:
- Children
- Teens
- Young Adults
- Adults
- Couples
- Family
Issues I work with in therapy include, but not limited to: 
- Mood (depression, anxiety, stress, worry)
- Trauma (past, recent, current, abuse, single incident)
- Grief (death, divorce, separation)
- Adoption/foster care
- Life transitions (young adults, change of career)
- Relationships (family, marital, children)
- Premaritial Counseling
- Parenting strategies
- CoParenting
- Anger Management
- Social Skills
- Teen behaviors
- Self Harm Behaviors
- Involvement with child protective services
- Perfectionism
- Low Self Esteem
Making any change in life can be overwhelming and stressful
If you have been experiencing anxiety or depression, the thought of reaching out for help and scheduling a counseling appointment can feel scary and intimidating or you may not have the energy to simply pick up the phone and make the call. These are very normal feelings and experiences, you are not alone.
Still Not Sure If You Should Give Therapy or Counseling a Try? Click Here
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